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关于亚洲开发银行高级专家Dr Patrick Van Laake来校讲学的通知
2016-05-11 16:33  



应学校邀请,亚洲开发银行高级专家Dr Patrick Van Laake将来到我校作学术报告,具体情况如下:

主题:International context of forestry and climate change

主讲人:Dr Patrick Van Laake 

个人简介:•Patrick has a PhD in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Alberta, Canada. He has worked in forestry and natural resources management all over the world, for employers like the United Nations, the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank. For the last 10 years he has worked as an expert in the field of forestry and climate change, working in many Asian countries like Viet Nam, Indonesia, Laos, Philippines and China.

时间: 2016年5月12日   上午10:30

地点 大学生活动中心B100

主办单位: 科研处  研究生处 水利与生态工程学院





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版权所有:南昌工程学院   科研处

 地址:中国 南昌高新技术开发区天祥大道289号(瑶湖校区) 邮编:330099