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关于澳大利亚联邦大学Giri Kattel教授来校讲学的通知
2016-11-21 18:34  


    应学校邀请,澳大利亚联邦大学(Federation University Australia) Dr Giri Kattel教授将做客我校93鄱湖学术讲坛。具体情况如下:


  目:Large River Basins of Australia and China: Challenges of Future Water Security & Resilience Management

报告人:Dr Giri Kattel           


Prof. Giri Kattel is a limnologist and palaeolimnologist with expertise in management of both lakes and rivers.   Prof. Kattel has M.Sc. in Freshwater Ecology from the University of Otago (New Zealand), and a PhD in Geography from University College London (United Kingdom). Following the PhD, he has been working in various countries, including the UK, New Zealand, Germany, Australia and China. Currently, he is a Sen. Fellow of the Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources Program at the University of Melbourne, and a CAS-PIFI Visiting Professorial Fellow at the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Nanjing). Over the past 5 years, he has been working extensively in large river basins of Australia and Asia including the Murray, Yangtze and Mekong River basins on historical ecology, food webs and water resource management. Lately he was awarded the Australia-China Science and Research Fund (ACSRF) from the Government of Australia to study the resilience of the Murray and Yangtze River basins. He is one of the international partner investigators of the key National Natural Science Foundation of China project “Resilience of the Yangtze River Basin” in NIGLAS.     




主办单位:科研处  研究生处








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