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2013-11-12 18:57  









    项目主持人谢杰华副教授,主要从事精算学、风险理论、保险数学方面的研究。在2010年获得南昌工程学院第二届“十佳青年教师”称号,2011年获得“校优秀教师”、“科研积极分子”等荣誉称号。2012年12月受国际杂志《British Journal of Economics, Management & Trade 》(BJEMT)主编的邀请,正式成为该杂志的编委。

    近五年,谢杰华副教授主持研究了国家自然科学基金一项,省部级项目四项,校青年基金项目一项,参与研究了国家教育规划项目一项,省部级项目两项,在《Insurance: Mathematics and Economics》、《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》、《Journal of the Korean Statistical Society》、《中国科学院研究生院学报》、《应用数学学报》等国内外重要学术刊物上发表学术论文30余篇,其中SCI源刊论文10篇,被EI检索论文3篇,CSCD核心期刊论文3篇,并被《Applied Mathematics and Computation》、 《Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 》、《Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica》、《Journal of Systems Science and Complexity》等SCI源刊邀请审阅稿件20余篇。



    项目负责人前期在《Insurance: Mathematics and Economics》、《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》、《Journal of the Korean Statistical Society》、《Iranian Journal of Science and Technology》、《International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology》、《中国科学院研究生院学报》、《应用数学学报》等国内外重要学术刊物上发表学术论文12篇,其中SCI源刊论文4篇,被EI检索论文3篇,CSCD核心期刊论文2篇。文献列表如下:

[1] Expected present value of total dividends in the risk model with delayed claims under stochastic interest rates. Insurance: Mathematics and Economic, 2010,46(2):415-422. (SCI, SSCI)

[2] On the expected discounted penalty function for the compound Poisson risk model with delayed claims. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2011, 235:2392-2404. (SCI)

[3] On the Gerber-Shiu discounted penalty function in a risk model with delayed claims. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 2012, 41: 387-397. (SCI)

[4] Moments of the present value of total dividends and related problems in the compound binomial model with delayed claims. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology , 2012, 36(3):311-325. (SCI)

[5] On the expected penalty function for a risk model perturbed by diffusion. International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology, 2012, 43(2): 140-147. (EI)

[6] On the ruin problem in an Erlang(2) risk model with delayed claims. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2010, 105(1): 54-61. (EI)

[7] On the dividend problem in a risk model with delayed claims. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011, 7030:282-289. (EI)

[8] 具有相关索赔风险模型的破产概率.应用数学学报, 2009, 32(3): 546-554. (CSCD核心期刊)

[9] 一类具有时间相依索赔风险模型的破产概率.中国科学院研究生院学报, 2008,25(3):313-319. (CSCD核心期刊)

[10] 具有两类相关索赔的复合二项风险模型的破产概率. 南昌工程学院学报, 2008, 4:15-19.

[11] 具有延迟索赔风险模型的破产概率. 经济数学, 2009, 4:278-292.

[12] 具有相关理赔的二元负风险和模型的破产概率. 金融, 2011, 2:33-37.

项目2012年8月份立项后,项目负责人又分别在《Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics》、《Journal of the Korean Statistical Society》、《Indagationes Mathematicae》、《Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society》、《Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods》、《Arabian Journal of Mathematics》等国内外重要学术刊物上发表学术论文6篇,其中SCI源刊论文4篇, CSCD核心期刊论文1篇,还有部分成果目前正处于审稿阶段。文献列表如下:

[1] On the probability of ruin in a continuous time risk model with delayed claims. Journal of the

Korean Mathematical Society, 2013, 50(1):111-125. (SCI)

[2] On a risk model with random incomes and dependence between claim sizes and claim intervals,Indagationes Mathematicae, 2013, 24:557-580. (SCI)

[3] On the expected discounted penalty function and optimal dividend strategy for a risk model with random incomes and interclaim-dependent claim size,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2013, DOI information: 10.1016/j.cam.2013.05.004. (SCI)

[4] On a risk model with delayed claims under stochastic interest rates, Communications in

Statistics – Theory and Methods, 2013, In Press. (SCI)

[5] On the expected present value of total dividends in risk model with

potentially delayed claims. Communications in Mathematical Research, 2013,

In Press. (CSCD核心期刊)

[6] On the probability of ruin in the compound Poisson risk model with delayed claims with

potentially delayed claims. Arabian Journal of Mathematics, 2013, 2(1):33-37.

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